The HUC’s Annual Artoklasia Celebration
Sunday, January 26, 2020
With reverence and gratitude, members of the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia gathered at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania on Sunday, January 26th for Divine Liturgy and our Annual Artoklasia Service in honor of the Feast Day of our Patron Saints, The Three Hierarchs – Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory the Theologian, and Saint John Chrysostom – and celebrating the Day of Greek Letters. After the blessing of the five Artous and conclusion of Divine Liturgy, Rev. Fr. Gregory Gilbert welcomed us to the community, congratulated us on our work, and encouraged students and parents to inquire about our scholarships. Artoklasia Chairman, Panagiotis A. Chrisanthopoulos, delivered a brief presentation to the community in both Greek and English describing our Club’s mission, events and scholarship program as they contribute to the Hellenic ideal of PAIDEIA, to which our Club is dedicated. As is our tradition, our Club sponsored the coffee hour, where the Saint Demetrios Philoptochos Society graciously prepared a delicious assortment of pastries. We were very pleased to meet the many students and parents with whom we spoke with in the community center who wanted to learn more about our organization and scholarship opportunities. We sincerely thank Rev. Fr. Gregory Gilbert, the Saint Demetrios Philoptochos Society and all the members of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church for their warm and welcoming hospitality. We extend our best wishes to all for a year full of God’s blessings, with health and happiness. Καλή Χρονιά! Ὑγεία, χαρά, πρὀοδο!
Ἐτήσια Ἁρτοκλασία Ἐλλήνων Συλλόγου Ἐπιστημόνων Φιλαδελφείας
26η Ἰανουαρίου 2020
Μέ κατάνυξη καί εὑγνωμοσύνη ἐτελέσθη ἐφέτος ἡ Ἁρτοκλασία μας πρός τιμήν Τῶν Τριών Μεγίστων Θεοπνευστων Ἱεραρχών – Βασίλειον τον Μέγαν, Γρηγόριον τον Θεολόγον, καί Ἰωάννην τον Χρυσόστομον –εἴς τόν Ἐλληνικόν Ὀρθοδοξον Ναόν Ἀγίου Δημητρίου. Ἑορτάσαμε έν προσευχή τούς Ἀγίόυς προστάτες μάς, οἱ ὀποῖοιἀνέδειξαν καί ἐστήριξαν τήν Ὀρθοδοξίαν καί τά Ἐλληνικά Γράμματα.
Past Events
The Hellenic University Club and the Hellenic Film Society of New York put on the 2019 Philadelphia Greek Film Expo. Featuring all original and contemporary films from Greece, the HUC and HFS featured 5 screenings all throughout the weekend of October 11-13 at the University of Pennsylvania’s famed International House in West Philadelphia.
The following films were screened:
Fri, Oct 11 @ 7:30pm: PERFECT STRANGERS (Τέλειοι ξένοι, Teleioi Xenoi) dir. Thodoris Atheridis
This comedy started life as an Italian film. It has been remade in various countries. This is the Greek version.
Seven friends gather for dinner. To prove that they have no secrets from one another, they put their cell phones on the table and decide to share all incoming calls and messages. They discover that truth games can be dangerous. Stellar cast, strong production values. Great big commercial film.
Sat, Oct 12 @ 7pm: LOVESTRUCK (Από έρωτα, Apo Erota) dir. Thodoris Atheridis
Two days before his wedding, a fireman must contend with the ghost of a former girlfriend who is determined to stop his wedding from taking place. Nice genre comedy, updated with adult situations, good music, strong cast.
Sat, Oct 12 @ 9:15pm: HOLY BOOM (no Greek title) dir. Maria Lafi
As a prank, teenagers blow up a mailbox in an immigrant area of Athens. The vandalism seriously impacts the lives of four residents. Various story lines are brought together quite expertly, making for an engrossing, though sobering, film.
Sun, Oct 13 @ 2pm: SEARCHING FOR ANDREAS (no Greek Title) dir. Harris Mylonas
More than a biography of controversial political figure Andreas Papandreou, whose legacy is still felt in Greece 22 years after his death, this documentary offers a cautionary tale about reliance on charismatic leaders and the challenges that democracies face in our times.
Sun, Oct 13 @ 4pm: HER JOB (H δουλειά της, I Douleia Tis) dir. Nikos Labot
A barely literate housewife becomes her family's sole breadwinner when she is hired as a cleaner at a shopping mall. Even though the job is menial and exposes her to cruel exploitation, she is able to discover a sense of self and empowerment she never expected.

HUC Winter Honors Dinner at the Arts Ballroom
The Hellenic University Club hosted a winter honors dinner featuring the Honorable Stephanos Bibas, who was awarded the PAIDEIA award. We also honored our past scholarship recipeients. Check out photos below!

HUC Spring Bash at the Arts Ballroom
The Hellenic University Club hosted a night of fun and dancing at the Arts Ballroom on 13th & Locust in Center City. Many members joined us for drinks, dinner, and Greek dancing at one of the most beautiful and Greek-owned venues in the city. We munched on souvlaki and baklava all night long!

HUC Christmas Party at the Union Trust
The Hellenic University Club partnered with local Greek organizations to throw a Christmas Party at the Union Trust in Philadelphia! Many members joined us for drinks and dinner at one of the city’s most beautiful spaces.

Journey to Mesopotamia at the Penn Museum: October 14, 2018
HUC members enjoying a tour of the Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, guided by HUC member and classical archaeologist Anna Hadgis (bottom left in the blue shoes!). The theme of the tour was “Journey to the City: From Mesopotamia to Philadelphia” and explored the brand new Middle Eastern galleries in the museum.
HUC PAIDEIA Award Presentation for Dr. Basil Harris: October 3, 2018
The Paideia award, which the Hellenic University Club has been awarding since 2011, is given to persons representing extraordinary learning or scholarship whose life work, mission, and accomplishments honor our Hellenic heritage.
HUC members with Dr. Basil Harris (left), who accepted the PAIDEIA award at a Drexel University Symposium on Noninvasive Medical Technology for his work on DxtER, a set of devices that measures your vital signs, inspired by the Star Trek-inspired tricorder. Read more about Dr. Harris’s work here.
Opening Reception 2018: HUC Scenes from the Riverwinds Restaurant in Deptford, NJ ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2018
We welcomed all our HUC members — new, old, and prospective — to the Riverwinds for a fantastic cocktail hour!
"Economic Outlook and Market Update: How the Ups and Downs Affect You": September 27, 2017
Opening reception: september 17, 2017
Scholarship awards dinner: june 1, 2017

Family fun-filled afternoon: may 13, 2017

“Preserving Your Family Archives”: April 23, 2017
This event hosted on the Bryn Mawr College campus in the downstairs auditorium of Carpenter Library, began at 3:00 pm. Our 3 presenters spoke about state-of-the-art methods of historic preservation. They provided us with useful information about preserving our family treasures (those boxes and albums that we've been storing for decades in the corners of your home!) We also learned about the programs that are currently underway to preserve the oral histories and the photographic collections of Greek-Americans who lived in Philadelphia during the first half of the 20th Century.
On Sunday, April 2, 2017, the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia marched in the Greek Independence Day Parade on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. We proudly marched behind our banner and joined other Greek-American organizations and churches to celebrate the 196th anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821.
Spring Excursion to the Princeton University Art Museum: March 8, 2017
Our Spring Excursion was to the Princeton University Art Museum to see the fine painting of an anonymous Athenian artist who flourished in Ancient Attica during the 5th century art of “The Berlin Painter and His World”. Docents of the Museum guided us through the exhibit and the entire museum. The Excursion concluded with a 3-course prix fixe lunch in the private dining room of Mediterra restaurant.
Hellenic Heritage Night at the Sixers: March 6, 2017
The Hellenic University Club attended the Hellenic Heritage Night at the Philadelphia 76ers. The Sixers faced the Milwaukee Bucks and the “Greek Freak” Giannis Antetokounmpo! The National Anthem was performed by local Greek-American Elena Iliadis from St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church in Cherry Hill and traditional Greek Dance Halftime was performed by The Pan-Macedonian Society Alumni Dancers.
Members of the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia gathered at Saint George Greek Orthodox Church in Media, Pennsylvania on Sunday, January 29 for Divine Liturgy and our Annual Artoklasia Ser- vice honoring the Feast Day of our Patron Saints, three Hierarchs – Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory theeologian, and Saint John Chrysostom – and celebrating the Day of Greek Letters. Rev. Fr. Anastasios Bourantas welcomed us to the community and congratulated us on the good work we do in the community by offering scholarships to students. Artoklasia Chair, Panagiotis A. Chrisanthopoulos, delivered a brief presentation to the community in both Greek and English describing our Club’s mission and scholarship program as they contribute to the Hellenic ideal of PAIDEIA, to which our Club is dedicated.
Our Club provided an assortment of pastries and cookies to supplement the delicious breakfast prepared by the Sunday School. Our information table was the focal point for those who wanted to learn more about our organization and scholarship opportunities. We sincerely thank Rev. Fr. Anastasios Bourantas and all the members of Saint George Greek Orthodox Church for their warm and welcoming hospitality. We extend our best wishes to all for a blessed year full of health and happiness. Καλή Χρονιά!
On Friday, January 20, 2017 The Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia joined fellow organizations— The Hellenic Medical Society, Greek American Chamber of Commerce, Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia and the Hellenic American Lawyers Association—to co-host the annual tradition of celebrating and welcoming the New Year with the Vasilopita Cutting. The event took place at the Merion in Cinnaminson, NJ. Members and friends enjoyed a delicious buffet of food and desserts, catching up with friends and even sharing their New Year’s resolutions.
The Very Rev. Archimandrite Ambrose Bitziadis-Bowers, Dean of St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral and Vicar of Philadelphia and the Greater Delaware Valley, and the Very Rev. Fr. Christoforos Oikonomidis of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Thomas offered the invocation and blessed the vasilopites.
The event was highlighted by a donation of two thousand dollars ($2,000) for relief efforts at Ionian Village in Greece, whose campgrounds were severely damaged by a tornado in September 2016. Father Evagoras Constantinidis, the Director of Ionian Village, was present to receive the check and spoke about the devastation that took place. He also discussed the fundraising efforts that are ongoing to restore the campgrounds which so many Greek-American youth have come to know from their summer visits. The goal of Ionian Village is to provide Campers and Staff with a life-transforming summer experience by bringing them closer to the Orthodox faith while exploring Hellenic culture and history.
The Hellenic University Club held a College Youth Sunday on January 15th, 2017 at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. George. The event was for prayer, fellowship and to learn about the Hellenic University Club scholarship program. College students (undergraduates/graduates) were encouraged to attend to learn more about HUC's scholarship opportunities.
80th Anniversary Gala: November 28, 2016
Enjoy the excellent video and photo coverage of the Gala by CosmosPhilly HERE.
On Saturday, November 26, 2016 the 80th Anniversary Year of the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia culminated in a Gala celebration at the Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing. It was the social highlight of the Club’s landmark year: an elegant hotel setting ... a splendid dinner ... and dancing to the brilliant Greek music of New York-based Syn-Phonia and vocalist, Aphrodite Daniel. It was an evening overflowing with Adelphotis(social fraternity)!
The centerpiece of the Gala Program was the celebration of three high-achieving Greek-Americans, all from the Philadelphia region. Illustrious and acclaimed Brother Sculptors EvAngelos Frudakisand Zenos Frudakis each received the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia’s Achievement Award. And distinguished scholar, research engineer, and newly-installed President of the University of Delaware, Dr. Dennis N. Assanis, received the Club’s PAIDEIA Award.
As we have done for more than forty years, proceeds from the Gala benefitted our Scholarship Fund. Providing scholarships for college and university students is one of our primary missions. This year alone the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia is awarding grants totaling $48,500 to 17 full-time undergraduate and graduate students.
The Gala was the perfect conclusion to our 80th Anniversary Year. The Cocktail Hour began at 6:30 pm and Dinner was served at 7:30 – with lots of time for dancing and socializing following the Award presentations.
We want to express our gratitude to all our members and friends who attended the Gala as well as to our Sponsors and the Awards Honorees. You helped make the evening special and memorable, and we thank you warmly.
Katerina Dimitriadis, President
Charles P. Sandilos, Esq., Vice-President & Gala Chair

HUC Social - Terror Beyond the Walls: October 19, 2016
HUC members attended Terror Beyond the Walls at Eastern State Penitentiary followed by drinks at Urban Saloon.

“A Century of Greek Philadelphia, 1820-1920”: October 9, 2016
“A Century of Greek Philadelphia, 1820-1920” was the theme of a Program by Dr. Kostis Kourelis, an Art & Art History professor at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, on Sunday afternoon, October 9th, in the St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral Community Hall in Center City. Dr. Kourelis spoke about the Greek Revival style of architecture of 19th & early 20th Century Philadelphia. Dr. Kourelis also spoke of the establishment of Greektown, the Greek-American community that grew up in the several blocks surrounding St. George. The Cathedral was designed in 1822 by British architect, John Haviland, who drew inspiration from a Greek temple; originally it was an Anglican Episcopal Church named St. Andrew’s. (Haviland also designed Eastern State Penitentiary, the original Franklin Institute, and the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia). At the conclusion of the talk, members and friends of the HUC enjoyed a walking tour, with commentary by Dr. Kourelis, through the sanctuary of St. George and around the neighborhood to view the Greek Revival architecture that can still be seen today in so many of our city’s historic public buildings, churches, and fine homes, for example Portico Row on Spruce Street.

2016 Opening Reception: SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
The Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia kicked-off its new season on Sunday, September 18 at the beautiful Positano Coast by Aldo Lamberti. Our Opening Reception was a lovely event!
The wonderful weather and delicious food added to the Mediterranean atmosphere. Most importantly, the great company of members and friends who attended had the opportunity to begin our 2016-17 season socializing and having fun.
One of the highlights of the afternoon was presenting Toula Bastas with the xAΞIOΣ Award for outstanding service to the HUCΠάντα Αξια!
DAY Trip to onassis cultural center exhibit: june 9, 2016
We took an exciting day trip to New York City on Thursday, June 9, to view the exhibit Gods and Mortals at Olympus: Ancient Dion, City of Zeus at the Onassis Cultural Center. The exhibition contained artworks and artifacts never before seen in the U.S.; it explored the relationship between daily life in a small city built on the slopes of Mt. Olympus – Greece’s highest mountain – and the mythological abode of the gods at the peak of the mountain. Following the exhibit, the group enjoyed a fine lunch at Molyvos Restaurant. On the return trip, the group of members and friends stopped to view the construction site of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine, situated directly across from the World Trade Center. Constantine Sirigos, former senior reporter for The National Herald who spoke to our Club in 2014 about the state of Greek America today, walked us to the site and spoke about plans to complete St. Nicholas in 2017. A group of 31 members and friends participated in this very enjoyable day.
The 2016 Scholarship Awards Dinner took place on Friday, May 29 at The Radnor Hotel. This was the perfect venue to celebrate our exceptional young scholars and their families. We were all interested to hear this year's scholarship recipients talk about their dreams and aspirations. Congratulations to our outstanding students and a special thank you to this year's speaker, Dr. Spiro Spireas, CEO of Sigmapharm Laboratories in Bensalem, PA.
You can read about the 2016-2017 Scholarship Recipients and some of their accomplishments here.
The 2016-2017 Scholarship Award Recipients (Photo Credit: Mark Berryman)
On Friday, March 11, member Anne Papageorge presented a lecture program titled "Sustainable Urban Transformations". Anne directs “Penn Connects” at the University of Pennsylvania, a nearly $4 billion campus development plan. This 30-year program, begun in 2006, is transforming the Penn campus; at the same time, it is bringing a sustainable/green approach to urban campus development. She spoke to us about this program as well as her time as director of the planning, design, and construction of the World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial and Memorial Museum. Thank you, Anne!
Anne Papageorge
80th anniversary year celebration: March 5, 2016
On Saturday, March 5, members and friends of the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia gathered to celebrate the Club's 80th year at the Merion Cricket Club in Haverford, PA. The party featured a buffet dinner and cash bar, lots of dancing to eight decades of Greek and American music, and entertainment for the entire family including a DJ, a magician, caricaturist and more. Attendees were also encouraged to dress in the fashion of their favorite decade. Thank you to Vice President Katerina Dimitriadis for planning such a memorable event. Here's to the next 80 years!
Happy 80th Birthday HUC! (Photo Credits: Anthony Dimitriadis)
On Sunday, January 31, members of our Club gathered in prayer for our health and well-being at Evangelismos Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church for our Annual Artoklasia Service commemorating our Patron Saints, the Three Hierarchs – Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory the Theologian, and Saint John Chrysostom – and in celebration of the Day of Greek Letters. V. Rev. Father Alexandros Kantarakias cordially welcomed us to the community and congratulated us on our 80 years of achievements and the scholarship programs we promote. He encouraged us to continue our mission, stating it is imperative that we focus on the educational growth of the younger generation. Thank you to Peter A. Chrisanthopoulos for organizing our visit.
At Evangelismos Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church
On Friday, January 15, we joined the Hellenic professional organizations of Greater Philadelphia for the annual cutting of the Vasilopita at The Merion in Cinnaminson, NJ. It is one of our most beautiful customs and we celebrated it, along with the new year, with dinner and dancing. Proceeds from this event benefited the American Red Cross Syrian refugee relief efforts in Lesbos, Greece.
The presidents of the co-sponsoring organizations of the Vasilopita Dinner
The Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia along with the other Hellenic professional organizations of the area rang in the holiday season at the Annual Christmas Party held at the beautifully renovated Union Trust in Philadelphia on Sunday, December 6, 2015. Over 100 members and guests celebrated the Yuletide with great food, wonderful company and, of course, much Christmas cheer. The holiday and dance music added to the festivities. Thank you to all who were able to attend and helped us celebrate!
HIstory of the world in 1,000 objects: NOvember 8, 2015
The Smithsonian recently released a book, History of the World in 1,000 Objects, which explores how our human history can be viewed though the perspective of objects. These artifacts help us see how our ancestors lived, what they believed and what they valued. Of the 1,000 listed objects, 200 are housed at Penn Museum. We had the opportunity on Sunday, November 8 to learn about the significance of 12 artifacts from six ancient cultures and how they helped shape civilization as we toured Penn Museum. Our guide was Anna S. Hadgis, a classical archaeologist, educator, HUC Member and docent at the Penn Museum.
The Smithsonian History of the World in 1,000 Objects
Kisses to the Children is the story of five Jewish children saved by Christian families in German- occupied Greece during World War II. The film follows these persons from childhood to the present day revealing their hidden stories – a story of heroism, fear, anguish and salvation. The Modern Greek Language Program of the University of Pennsylvania with a special thank you to Dr. Sidney Jacoby, in collaboration with the Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia, hosted a screening of this film on Tuesday, October 27. Kisses Director Vassilis Loules joined us to introduce the film and take part in a discussion following the showing.
Φιλιά εις τα παιδιά – Kisses to the Children
safeguarding your computer from cyber-attacks: april 24, 2015
Member Dr. Spiros Mancoridis, Drexel University Professor of Computer Science and Interim Dean of the College of Computing and Informatics, presented a thoughtful and easy-to-comprehend talk on computer security on Friday, April 24, to a small, but attentive audience of HUC members and friends. He first defined various terms associated with malware – trojan viruses, ransomware, adware, and phishing, for example – and noted the staggering cost of these malicious programs/exercises worldwide. Attendees took away a great deal of useful information. Thank you, Spiro!
Fall Excursion: November 15, 2014
Our Club visited the exhibition of El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, November 15, 2014. The exhibition celebrates the 400th anniversary of his death and included are two very significant masterpieces, “Saint Martin and the Beggar” and “Laocoön”. A very informative 30-minute film El Greco: An Artist’s Odyssey ran continuously as an accompaniment to the exhibit. This excursion was a wonderful opportunity to spend a day in our nation’s capital with fellow members.
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), Laocoön, c. 1610/1604, oil on canvas, Samuel H. Kress collection
From the Newsroom of The National Herald: November 8, 2014
From the Newsroom of The National Herald: The Challenges and Opportunities for Hellenism in America, a lecture program, was held on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Constantine (Dean) S. Sirigos, a journalist with The National Herald in New York, offered his perspectives on the recovering Greek economy, the building of St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero, the latest Mediterranean-themed exhibit at The Met, excavations at Amphipolis, the meaning of philotimo in the 21st century and particularly, the challenges and opportunities facing Hellenism in the U.S.
Constantine S. Sirigos at the Greek Independence Day Parade in NY (right)
The Evolution of Gender Roles in Classics-Themed Adventure Films: March 16, 2014
Members and friends joined us on Sunday, March 16, 2014 at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Conference Room in Philadelphia to hear Dr. Valentina DeNardis, Director of Graduate Classical Studies at Villanova University speak to us on the evolution of gender roles in classics-themed adventure films. It was a fun and informative lecture program, which examined how the gender roles of characters in films such as "Jason and the Argonauts" and "Clash of the Titans" have been viewed, transformed and evolved in the last 50 years.
Zeus from "Clash of the Titans" (1981)
74th Annual Gala: March 1, 2014
On March 1st, our Club celebrated its 74th Annual Gala. It was an elegant and fun evening where members and friends enjoyed a lovely reception and delicious dinner, great music and wonderful company. The highlight of the evening was the awarding of our Achievement Award to Mr. George Venizelos, Assistant Director of the FBI, who attended our Gala with his wife Marina. During his twenty-three year career with the Bureau, Mr. Venizelos has risen in the ranks to his present position as leader of the Bureau’s largest field office – the five boroughs of New York City, eight counties in New York State, John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport. In his acceptance, Mr. Venizelos spoke of his pride in being a Hellene and how honored he was to be recognized by our Club at the Gala which benefits our Scholarship Program. We thank Mr. Venizelos for his service and dedication to our Nation.
His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey offered the invocation and benediction and spoke highly about the honoree and about the importance of our organization in today’s Greek-American society.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make our Gala a success – our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and all of our members and friends who supported our Gala and mission with their donations to our Scholarship Fund.
Check out Cosmos Philly's coverage of this special event here (1, 2).
Marina and George Venizelos at the 2014 HUC Gala